
Showing posts from June, 2020

About me

Hi! Firstly I'm new to this blogging stuff so if this post is a rambling mess that's probably why. Also I talk too much about nothing, ironically I'm doing that now...  I thought I'd give blogging a go as sometimes it's hard to vocalise what I'm thinking about and explain to someone else.  I'm going to keep my name private and any scenarios will be with fake names too. As much as I want to share my thoughts I don't want anyone to have their dirty laundry aired publicly! I'm 28 years old, studying a degree & working full time. I have a brilliant boyfriend, we are renting this perfect flat and I'm lucky to have an amazing group of friends & a close family.  For some reason (details to follow in a later post) I have this feeling like something is missing or something isn't quite right. I'm happy but there's always this little part of me that disagrees. If only it would identify what it is! This blog is going to be my way of tryin...